Guide to American
Red Cross Pins

Edition:  June 2013
Order Form

The June 2013 Guide to American Red Cross Pins is now available. It is no longer a print copy. It is on disc in PDF. Pictures are in color unless I didn't have access to a copy of the pin. Sample pages can be seen on the "National Pins from the 1940's" link on my web page.

Discs are $4.50 each

Prices include shipping by First Class mail. 
Check or money orders accepted.  Please do not send cash. I am unable to accept credit cards.
Mail this form with payment made out to Shirley Powers to:

            Shirley Powers
            7964 Sartan Way, NE
            Albuquerque, NM  87109-3128

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Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.


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