My Mid-West Yankee Home
Some long for the scenes of foreign lands,
For London, or Paris, or Rome,
But the spot I love the best
Is the grand old middle west,
That's where my fancies roam;
Out where the hills and the valleys meet,
Out where the flow'rs grow wild and sweet,
Out at old Mother Nature's feet
In my mid-west Yankee home.
I'll stand by the flag of the nation,
I'll go where ever duty calls,
I'll fight for the peace of creation
Till the last arm'd foe-man falls;
But when the war has been won,
never more I'll roam,
I'll choose a loyal Red Cross wife,
and I'll settle down for life
In my mid-west Yankee home.
Some long for the joys of city life, the foam
But the dearest place to me
Is the mid-west wild and free,
That's where my fancies roam;
Out where the skies are clear and bright,
Out where the air is pure and light,
Out where all hearts are clean and right,
In my mid-west Yankee home.
I'll stand by the flag of the nation,
I'll go where ever duty calls,
I'll fight for the peace of creation
Till the last arm'd foe-man falls;
But when the war has been won,
never more I'll roam,
I'll choose a loyal Red Cross wife,
and I'll settle down for life
In my mid-west Yankee home.