My Little Red Cross Nurse

Darkest night, cold damp and dreary
Falling quickly mother dear
Soldiers dead and soldiers dying
Filling trenches far and near.
By my side a comrade moaning
In the distance battle's din
In my limb a bullet gnawing
In my heart a cry for kin.

'Twas a Red Cross nurse that saved me
And to her I owe my life
Georgiana Love her name
From the Land of Free she came
When the cruel war is o'er
And bugles sound no more
To the U. S. we will go
She will be my wife you know
My little Red Cross Nurse.

Just as ev'ry thing seemed hopeless
I had murmured mother dear
Pray'r for peace that you had taught me
When no fighting foe was near.
Came to comfort me an angel
Wounds to heal and pain relieve
In her face a Heav'nly omen
Blessed red cross on her sleeve.

'Twas a Red Cross nurse that saved me
And to her I owe my life
Georgiana Love her name
From the Land of Free she came
When the cruel war is o'er
And bugles sound no more
To the U. S. we will go
She will be my wife you know
My little Red Cross Nurse.